Practice Areas


Statutory Audits are conducted by our team of experts using time-tested audit techniques that have been derived from our experience as well as technology. Our experience ranges from various sectors of the economy such as Manufacturing, Trade, Power Companies, Oil Exploration, Pharma, Chemicals, Automobiles, Educational Institutes, Hospitality Industry, and Retail Outlets to name a few.

Internal audit is a process made to protect the interest of the stakeholders of the organization. Although sometimes, Internal Audit is governed by a statute but most of the time it is done to check the compliance of the functioning and improvement of Internal Control Systems and
procedures of the organization. Therefore, in internal audits instead of routine checking, we identify the weaknesses and gaps in the client’s systems and advise for appropriate remedial actions as needed.

Stock Audit which is generally understood as physical verification of inventory of the client’s organization in fact involves many things and requires special expertise. At B.L. Purohit & Co. while doing clients’ Stock Audits we not only identify discrepancies between book stock and physical stock but also identify the slow-moving stock, deadstock, obsolete stock, etc. and advise clients regarding proper preservation and handling of stock. All these measures help our clients to reduce costs and prevent pilferage.


Indian tax laws both direct and indirect are most complex and ever-changing. Each year not only through Finance Act but also through various other enactments, rules, laws, and procedures tax laws go on changing. Any non-compliance with the latest regulations entails a heavy financial burden on the business. Under such a scenario, proper and timely compliance with the tax regime is of great importance for business organizations.
At B.L. Purohit & Co. we deal with both Direct and Indirect Taxes. With our vast experience, the partners and the team members of the firm handle the entire gamut of taxation advisory and compliance. We render the following services to our clients under both taxes :

1. Timely filing of various returns and forms and advising for timely payments of proper taxes.
2. Tax planning as per latest laws for maximizing tax saving.
3. Compliance with assessment notices and hearings.
4. Filing of appeals, objections, petitions, etc. before the appropriate authorities and tribunals and representing the clients in all such matters.
5. Tax planning for family and group.
6. Handling of search and seizure, and investigation cases of the clients.
7. Giving timely information to the clients about the changes in law affecting their business.

We have the distinction of having firms and organizations which are with us as clients for three generations i.e. the firms and organizations started by grandfathers by taking our advice and are now being run by grandsons are continuing as our clients.


For running any business, proper accounting and timely availability of required funds are  most important. B.L. Purohit & Co. helps its clients in both these areas. We advise the clients and if required provide on-site expert assistants for maintaining proper Books of Accounts and Records.
We also prepare project reports for obtaining Bank Finance by businesses and make representation before Banks on behalf of our clients for obtaining such Finance. In brief, our Financial Advisory Service includes:-

• Book Keeping and Accounting.
• Preparation of Business Project Reports, Appraisal, and Representation.
• Business Valuation.
• Due diligence and legal compliance advice.
• Business opportunity and investment advice.
• Information System Audit and Advisory.
• Fixed Asset Reconciliation and Management.

Get In Touch With Us

B.L Purohit & Co., an Indian Chartered Accountancy firm commenced its journey from Guwahati, Assam in 1977.

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